Str 2 Dex
2 Con 3
Int 2
Per 2 Wil 3
LPs 33
EPs 29
Spd 10
Essence 14
Contacts (Criminal) 1 (1)
Contacts (Law) 1 (1)
Hard to Kill 1 (1)
Photographic Memory (2)
Brawling 2
Cheating 2
Computers 3
Computer Hacking 3
Dodge 2
Driving (Car) 2
Driving (Skateboard) 2
Electronics 2
Fine Arts (Cinema) 3
Guns (Handgun) 2
Haggling 2
Myth and Legends (Zombies) 3
Play Instrument (Guitar) 1
Sport (Extreme) 1 |
Backpack, Dr. Who Videos, Handgun, Video Camera
You ever seen that trick they do with the zoom and
dolly cam? You know, where the dolly zooms out as the lens zooms in?
Makes the guy in the middle of the frame look as if the whole world
is collapsing in around him? That's what it felt like the first time
I saw the undead coming at me.
Let me set the scene. Was working the late shift at
Newton Plaza. Business had been quiet what with all the wandering
gangs rampaging. Police were pretty tight-lipped about it all. Was
all very Assault on Precinct 13.
Anyway, I hear a squeeeee noise, then many squeeee
noises -- like someone running their sweaty palms over a plate glass
window. I look around and I see lots -- I mean dozens -- of people
pressed against the store windows. And these folks do not look
healthy. Was something out of a Fulci film. Couldn't move until the
glass shattered. Then I booked, but fast.
I was like Dustin Hoffman in Marathon Man. When I got
home, the zombies were moving up the stairs of my apartment building.
I headed them off at the pass by using the elevator. It was a long
shot, but I had to save my Dr. Who collection. Not to mention my girlfriend.
"I had to choose, save my girlfriend or my Dr.
Who collection. I know Jenny would have understood. The survivors
will thank me when it's all over."
Artwork by: George Vasilakos
Flavor Text by: Albert Bruno III |