Str 2
Dex 2 Con 2
Int 4
Per 2 Wil 2
LPs 26
EPs 23
Spd 8
Essence 14
Contacts (University) 3 (3)
Photography Memory (2)
Bureaucracy 1
Computers 2
Computer Programming 2
Driving (Car) 1
Electronics 2
Engineer (Electronic) 2
Engineer (Biological) 2
Guns (Handgun) 1
Humanities (Psychology) 2
Research/Investigation 3
Sciences (Biology) 4
Sciences (Mathematics) 2
Sciences (Chemistry) 4
Writing (Scientific) 2 |
Doctor's Bag, Biohazard Suit, Flare Gun, Laptop
Computer, Multitool, Specimen Jars and Tools
Gentlemen, it is my opinion that the zombie situation
can be addressed if we stop reacting to them with superstitious
frenzy. Such behavior is ill-suited for these desperate times.
Zombies are a scientific problem. They are no more supernatural than
global warming.
I understand that many are uncomfortable with my
report. Although it appears to be madness, it is difficult to dispute
my hypothesis that the OrganoCore fertilizer-spawned creatures can
only be entirely neutralized through the utter reformation of our
environment. The necessary mega-tonnage of nuclear weapons can be
easily accessed and directed at a land mass such as the Himalayas to
fill the atmosphere with sufficient ash to black out the sun's radiation.
Of course, only a small portion of humankind can be
saved from the proposed nuclear winter. The appendix breaks down the
recommended sectors of society. I am sure that general agreement may
be had in this forum on targeting those in the top 10% IQ and
supermodels. Naturally, others may be harder to convince.
"In the end, cold hard science will get us out of this."
Artwork by: George Vasilakos
Flavor Text by: Albert Bruno III |