Str 7 Dex 6 Con 6
Int 5 Per 4 Wil 4
DPs 75
EPs 60
Spd 24
Essence 32
The Necrovores can comprehend any language on Earth,
and anyone who hears a Necrovore speak claims that it speaks in their
native tongue. Occasionally, however, there is a "glitch"
in their ability to decipher languages, as an inappropriate word will
be placed in favor of the correct one, like "Would you care to
pepper tonight?" instead of "Would you care to die tonight?"
Some say this is deliberate on the Necrovores' part --
wouldn't you be more likely to choose pepper instead of death?
Brawling 3, Dodge 2 -- other skills vary and should be
assigned as needed, and some are peculiar (such as Human Piggyback Riding!)
Tongue: On a successful
Simple Dexterity Test, a long tentacle that comes to a sharp hollow
point is propelled from the Necrovore's mouth and targets the heart
of a Zombie. The tongue has a range of 5 yards. It is considered the
greatest of delicacies of the Zombie anatomy. For every Turn, the
tentacle penetrates the heart, it inflicts D6 x 2(4) damage.
Aura of Fear: Zombies
instinctively (or what would pass for instincts) recognize a
Necrovore as a predator on sight, and will avoid any encounters with
one. If a roll is necessary, treat this as a Fear Test with a -10
penalty for the zombie.
How many dimensions have the Necrovores infested with
their undead-raising magic? There would have to be other realms, as
they have survived centuries away from our dimension, and these
realms must contain humanoid species. The Necrovores eat nothing but
undead human (or something very similar) flesh, which must be
reanimated -- killing the zombies will incur the Necrovores' wrath,
as they prefer (or most likely need) the still-animated corpses' flesh.
The tastes of the Necrovores varies. Some like their
zombie flesh recently reanimated, while others tend to
"season" their undead by keeping them around for a while,
to shamble at their leisure. Two things are for sure -- they all save
the heart for last, and prefer to eat the Zombie while it's still animated.
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